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Stress Testing Realtime Node.js Apps


  1. Project background
  2. Building an application
  3. Configuring a server
  4. Gathering a swarm
  5. Demonstration

Project Background

  1. PBS built a client-side Electoral College map
  2. We built a real-time backend
  3. We researched production readiness

Project Background: PBS's Offline Application

Project Background: Our Realtime Extension

Building the Application

The Client: Modularization

Intro to

"Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. It's care-free realtime 100% in JavaScript."

Intro to (cont.)

Sometimes called "the jQuery for realtime applications."

Two components:

The Client: Endpoint Parameterization

// Client source file
var defaultOptions = {
    // These values are expanded at build time.
    host: "",
    port: ""

The Client: Endpoint Parameterization (cont.)

// Build script (Grunt)
NODE_HOST: process.env.NODE_HOST || "",
NODE_PORT: process.env.NODE_PORT || 8000,

// Inject NODE_HOST and NODE_PORT values into files as they are
// copied
processContent: function(content) {
  return content.replace(/\{\{\s*(NODE_HOST|NODE_PORT)\s*\}\}/g,
      function(match, varName) {
          return grunt.config("meta." + varName);

(Mostly) Avoiding fs.*Sync()

Generally a bad practice--it blocks the execution thread.

Acceptable during application initialization.

Advanced usage: Learning the API

Advanced usage: Dynamic connection handler

// One approach
socketServer.sockets.on("connection", function(socket) {
  if (app.isLive()) {
    connectLive.apply(socket, arguments);
  } else {
    offlineConnection.apply(socket, arguments);

Advanced usage: Dynamic connection handler

// Another approach
socketServer.sockets.on("connect", function(socket) {
  socketHandlers.connection.apply(socket, arguments);

// elsewhere...
socketHandlers.connection = connectLive;

Warning! Version 1.0 is on its way!

Configuring a Realtime Server

Security: Threat Model

Security: Precautions

Technical requirements: Node.js

Install to /opt/joyent/node/ (check out the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for some light reading)

$ sudo chown users:dev /opt/joyent/node

Technical requirements: Locking down dependencies

Data collection tools: htop

apt-get install htop

Data collection tools: SAR

apt-get install sysstat

Gathering a Swarm

Client Simulator: Design

A script that simulates many people using your application simultaneously
Possible solutions
  • Script a real browser to run your application (i.e. Selenium)
  • Load your application in PhantomJS
  • Strip out the network module and run that from Node.js

Client Simulator: Technical Considerations

Aside: Modifying upstream dependencies

I wanted to simulate long-polling connections from Node.js (see how). required a patch to support this.

  1. Before that was merged, we needed to use our fork of the project.
  2. After it was merged, we needed to specify the dependency with a git URL
  3. After a new version was published, we could have simply specified the latest version.

Small-scale Demonstration


"Amazon Web Services offers a complete set of infrastructure and application services that enable you to run virtually everything in the cloud: from enterprise applications and big data projects to social games and mobile apps."

Lucky for us, there's a Free usage tier.

* Amazon refused to pay me for this slide

AWS (cont.)

Bees with Machine Guns

A utility for arming (creating) many bees (micro EC2 instances) to attack (load test) targets (web applications).
Bees with Machine Guns project page

My awful hacked-up fork


"But... why?!"

We need a slightly more generalized approach to run our Node.js client simulator.


What's Next?


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