Command the Command Line

Part III - Improving Your Workflow

Process Boundaries

We've created a good number of processes so far, but there are a lot of details about the way information flows through processes that we haven't covered yet.

vm$ cat ./process-bounds.txt
         options ------.
environment vars ------+
standard input -> | Process | -> standard output
       signals -> |         | -> standard error
                       '-------> exit status

In Unix-like systems, a typical process may receive input on a number of channels. Options and environmental variables can only be supplied as the process is created. On the other hand, both signals and standard input can effect the behavior of the program at any point in its lifetime. We've seen examples of each of these channels in prior sections.

A process has other channels for communicating outwardly. Standard output and standard error are two streams of data to which a process may write at any moment. In addition, as the process exits, it emits a numeric status code that describes the conditions that caused the program to end.

Processes may have any number of additional communication channels (e.g. network streams, file streams, additional devices), but the seven described here are available to all processes (even if they aren't always used).


Options & Environment Variables

vm$ my_var=123 magic-app --an_option

We previously discussed options and environment variables in Chapter 6 - Command Invocation (although we didn't refer to them as "communication channels" at the time). If we want to provide input in this way, we have to do this at the moment we create the process. We can't change the options or the environment variables of a running process.


Standard Input

vm$ sort

Recall that in Chapter 7 - Process Management I, we briefly worked with the sort utility. That program was novel because it accepted input dynamically as we typed.

vm$ cat input.txt
|           |
|           |
+-----------+                +- Terminal -+     +- sort -+
 \           \ --> stdin --> | ---------> | --> |        |
  +- Keyboard +              +------------+     +--------+

In this way, sort is no different than the terminal program we have been using all along. When we invoke sort, the "input stream" that normally flows from our keyboard and into the terminal is instead interpreted by sort itself. This is considered a "stream" because its contents are delivered over time, and the end is not known in advance.

The stream typically originates from the keyboard, but as we'll see in just a moment, this is not always the case.

vm$ grep r

Many utilities that normally expect a file name as an option will read from standard input when no such file is supplied. For example, both grep and sed behave this way.

Redirecting Standard Input

"Left Turn" sign

"Left Turn" by Nestor Galina is licensed under CC BY 2.0

As we've seen, the terminal's default behavior is to supply new processes with its own input stream. We can override this behavior and provide a different input stream.

vm$ cat cereal.txt
fruit loops
lucky charms
cap'n crunch
vm$ sort < cereal.txt
cap'n crunch
fruit loops
lucky charms

By including a "less than" character (<) at the end of the command, we can specify the name of a file. The contents of that file will be interpreted as though we had entered them into the terminal directly.

vm$ cat input-redirected.txt
|           |
|           |
+-----------+                +- Terminal -+     +- sort < i.txt -+
 \           \ --> stdin --> |            |  .> |                |
  +- Keyboard +              +------------+  |  +----------------+
 +-- i.txt --+                               |
 |           | ------------------------------'

By using input redirection, we are configuring the process to read from a stream other than standard input--a file named i.txt in this example.

vm$ sort < cereal.txt
cap'n crunch
fruit loops
lucky charms
vm$ sort cereal.txt
cap'n crunch
fruit loops
lucky charms

Frankly, for those programs that accept a file name as an option, redirecting input like this isn't very compelling. For most cases, the difference is negligible.

vm$ mail --subject 'Keep it up!'
​Dearest Bocoup,
​You are doing wonderful things. Please continue to do them.

On the other hand, some programs only operate on the "standard input" stream. mail is one such program--it is a utility for sending e-mail messages.

vm$ cat my-message.txt
Dearest Bocoup,

You are doing wonderful things. Please continue to do them.

vm$ mail --subject 'Keep it up!' < my-message.txt

As much as we might enjoy working on the command line, the shell is not a great environment to author large amounts of prose. For instance, once you've entered text, you can't go back and change it. It's almost like using a typewriter.

We'd much rather use a text editor (nano perhaps?) to compose a message. We can save that to a file and use input redirection to feed our message into mail.



vm$ find / -name dory

Signals are an advanced way to send information to a running process. The discussion in Chapter 7 - Process Management I (where we used Ctrl+c to send the "SIGINT" signal) is sufficient for day-to-day activities in a Unix-like environment. Chapter 15 - Process Management II takes a closer look at other signals and how to send them.

vm$ cat ./process-bounds.txt
         options ------.
environment vars ------+
standard input -> | Process | -> standard output
       signals -> |         | -> standard error
                       '-------> exit status

That covers the common input channels employed by most processes. It's a bit underwhelming because we've already covered most of them in previous sections. Just remember that the list is not exhaustive: programs can be written to accept input from various other sources.

The story is similar for outgoing communication. Although a process may be sending data on any number of streams or devices, there are just a handful that are available to all processes.


Standard Output

vm$ cat my-file.txt
The `cat` utility writes to standard output.
vm$ mkdir my-directory
vm$ echo But mkdir does not.
But mkdir does not.

Just like "standard input," "standard output" is considered a "stream" of data. It is normally directed at a terminal. Most of the applications we've used so far give some form of feedback on this channel--mkdir is one of the exceptions (though we can change this behavior by using its --verbose option).

Redirecting Standard Output

Israeli crosswalk

"Israeli crosswalk" by Asim Bharwani is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Just like with the standard input stream, we can redirect standard output to a file.

vm$ cat feline-gifs.txt
cat: feline-gifs.txt: No such file or directory
vm$ find gifs -name \*cat\* > feline-gifs.txt
vm$ cat feline-gifs.txt

By including the "greater than" character (>) after the command, the output of that command will be written to the file. If the file doesn't exist, it will created first.

vm$ cat feline-gifs.txt
vm$ find gifs -name \*kitten\* > feline-gifs.txt
vm$ cat feline-gifs.txt

If the file does exist, then its contents will be "truncated" before writing. The file's original contents will be completely replaced by the output from the new command.

vm$ echo 'My feline gifs:' > feline-gifs.txt
vm$ find gifs -name \*cat\* >> feline-gifs.txt
vm$ find gifs -name \*kitten\* >> feline-gifs.txt
vm$ cat feline-gifs.txt

The shell also supports appending to existing files. If we set up output redirection using the character sequence >>, then the output from the new command will be added to the end of the file.

vm$ node --version >> my-bug-report.txt
vm$ npm --version >> my-bug-report.txt
vm$ grunt --version >> my-bug-report.txt
vm$ cat my-bug-report.txt
grunt-cli v0.1.13

Output redirection is great for troubleshooting and diagnostics because it lets you capture the state of your system at one moment in time so that you can share it with others.


Standard Error

vm$ ls /home /root
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied

When most programs wish to communicate information about a problem, they write that information to the "standard error" stream instead of standard out. This distinction is easy to miss because shells commonly interleave the two streams.

In this example, some of the text (the listing for the /home directory) is the expected output. This is being written to standard out. The text describing the permissions error is actually being printed to a separate stream--standard error.

vm$ cat stdio-mux.txt
+---- ls ----+                +- Terminal -+     +- Display -+
|   /home    | --> stdout --> | ---------> | --> |   /home   |
|   error!   | --> stderr --> | ---------> | --> |   error!  |
+------------+                +------------+     +-----------+
                                                  \           \

Because the shell processes both streams in the same way, we cannot see the difference in this case.

vm$ ls /home /root > o.txt
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied
vm$ cat o.txt

It's not until we begin manipulating the streams' destinations that we can observe this detail.

Although we are redirecting standard out to a file in this example, the text describing the error is still being printed to the screen.

vm$ cat stdio-demux-out.txt
                                                 +-- o.txt --+
                           .-------------------> |   /home   |
                           |                     +-----------+
+ ls > o.txt +             |  +- Terminal -+     +- Display -+
|   /home    | --> stdout -'  |            |     |   error!  |
|   error!   | --> stderr --> | ---------> | --> |           |
+------------+                +------------+     +-----------+
                                                  \           \

This is because the redirection only effects the standard output stream. The standard error stream continues to flow to the terminal.

Redirecting Standard Error


"Detour" by Tom Woodward is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Although the distinction can be surprising at first, it enables information filtering that would otherwise be impossible. We can "pick out" just the text that describes errors and redirect it to some other location. Of course, we'll need to learn a little more syntax first.

vm$ ls /home /root 2> e.txt
vm$ cat e.txt
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied

If a command is followed by the character sequence 2> and a path to a file, then the standard error stream will be redirected to that file.

vm$ cat stdio-demux-err.txt

+ ls 2> e.txt +                +- Terminal -+     +- Display -+
|   /home     | --> stdout --> | ---------> | --> |   /home   |
|   error!    | --> stderr -.  |            |     |           |
+-------------+             |  +------------+     +-----------+
                            |                      \           \
                            |                       +-----------+
                            |                     +-- e.txt --+
                            '-------------------> |   error!  |

In this case, we still see some text printed to the terminal because we've only redirected the standard error stream.

vm$ ls /home /root 2> e.txt > o.txt
vm$ cat o.txt
vm$ cat e.txt
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied

We can use both output redirection mechanisms at the same time if we wish. In this case, the order we specify the redirection targets does not matter.

vm$ cat stdio-demux-both.txt
                                              +-- o.txt --+
                           .----------------> |   /home   |
                           |                  +-----------+
 ls > o.txt \              |
+   2> e.txt +             |  +- Terminal -+  +- Display -+
|   /home    | --> stdout -'  |            |  |           |
|   error!   | --> stderr -.  |            |  |           |
+------------+             |  +------------+  +-----------+
                           |                   \           \
                           |                    +-----------+
                           |                  +-- e.txt --+
                           '----------------> |   error!  |

In this case, we are completely bypassing the terminal.

vm$ ls /home /root > t.txt 2>&1
vm$ cat t.txt
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied

Sometimes, we might want to redirect both streams to the same file. We can't specify the same file for both redirections because both would attempt to "truncate," and only one could be successful.

Instead, we can use the special 2>&1 shorthand which means, "redirect standard error to the same location as standard output."

vm$ ls /home /root 2>&1 > t.txt
ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied
vm$ cat t.txt

Be careful, though! The terminal applies the operators from left to right, so their order matters when using the 2>&1 shorthand. If we specified the two redirections in reverse, the result wouldn't match what we want:

  1. (initial state)

    • ls standard output -> terminal standard output
    • ls standard error -> terminal standard error
  2. (applying 2>&1)

    • ls standard output -> terminal standard output
    • ls standard error -> terminal standard output (because this is the destination of ls's standard output at this moment)
  3. (applying > t.txt)

    • ls standard output -> t.txt file
    • ls standard error -> terminal standard output


Exit status

As we've seen, a process can terminate for any number of reasons. In the ideal cases, processes end because they have successfully "done their job" and have nothing further to do. In reality, processes are often prevented from completing their intended purpose.

vm$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory

We've been discussing one way processes communicate this distinction: they often output different information to the standard output stream and the standard error stream. This allows programs to describe what went wrong in plain English.

vm$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory
vm$ less .
. is a directory

But programs may vary slightly in the way they communicate the same errors.

For example, the commands cat and less are both designed to work with files and not with directories. Both commands report an error when they are invoked with the name of a directory, but the way they describe the problem is subtly different.

Just remember: the word "standard" in "standard error" describes the stream but not its contents.

vm$ pwd
vm$ echo $?
vm$ $ rm ..
rm: cannot remove ‘..’: Is a directory
vm$ echo $?

When a process completes, it emits a number that describes the conditions that caused it to end. This is known as the "exit status." We can access the exit status of the previous command with the special variable named $?.

A status of 0 signifies "the process completed normally." Any other value indicates that there was an error.

This number is not nearly as descriptive as the text written to the standard error stream...

vm$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory
vm$ echo $?
vm$ less .
. is a directory
vm$ echo $?

...but it is far more consistent. cat and less may describe the "unexpected directory" problem with different text, but they both report the same exit status.

This makes some intuitive sense; as an integer value, there is less room for different "phrasings" between programs.

vm$ sleep notanumber
sleep: invalid time interval ‘notanumber’
vm$ echo $?
vm$ sleep 100
vm$ echo $?

The value 1 is the most common exit status for errors; many applications treat it as a "catch all" for any error. However, programs may use other non-zero values to communicate more fine-grained information about the error.

In this example, sleep reports an exit status of 1 for faulty input and a exit status of 130 when it is interrupted by a signal.

For humans typing commands into the terminal and reading the output, the regularity of exit statuses is a poor substitute for the expressiveness of the standard output streams. As we'll see in Chapter 12 - Process Combination, this communication channel is much more useful within shell scripts.

vm$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory
vm$ echo $?
vm$ echo $?

One final caveat: don't forget that echo is itself a program! When we use it to inspect the value of the $? variable, we're also causing the shell to overwrite that value.

vm$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory
vm$ catresult=$?
vm$ echo $catresult
vm$ echo $?
vm$ echo $catresult

If we need to re-use a process's exit status, we'll have to store it in a variable immediately after that process completes. Subsequent processes may change the value of the $? variable, but the variable we created won't be affected.

In Review

Processes have access to four common input channels:

Processes have have access to three common output channels:

Although a program may be written to use any number of additional input/output channels.