Command the Command Line

Part III - Improving Your Workflow


We've accumulated a lot of knowledge about process orchestration. Up to now, we've been entering each command into the terminal directly. While this is the best way to learn, it is not the way you will use these tools day-to-day.

Unix provides powerful mechanisms for "scripting," or saving sets of instructions so they can be re-used concisely.

This may sound a little stuffy, but it's actually only slightly different than the way we've been working so far. In this chapter, we'll begin to appreciate the power of a "text-only" interface: once you understand how to interact with the environment, automating your actions is trivial.

Our first script

vm$ echo pwd >
vm$ bash

A shell script is nothing but a text file with a list of commands. Our very first script has single line: an invocation of the pwd directory. (In this example, we're creating the script file with echo for demonstration purposes; feel free to use a text editor if you prefer.)

To run the script, we are providing it as an option to bash. Bash is a very common shell (in fact, it's the one we're using in this course's virtual environment). Other popular shells support this functionality, as well, but we'll stick with Bash because it is so widely available.

Bash reads the content of the file and executes it line-by-line. As you can see, it connects the standard output to our terminal, so the output looks no different than it would if we had invoked pwd directly.

vm$ mv my-script.mp3
vm$ bash my-script.mp3

Note that the .sh suffix in the file name is entirely optional. POSIX-compliant systems do not interpret the "extension" during invocation. Even so, it's a good idea to use an appropriate extension because it's a hint for humans about how the file is intended to be used.


This is technically all we need to get started writing scripts, but we can take a few more steps to make using the scripts more comfortable.

vm$ ./
bash: ./ Permission denied

Ideally, we'd like to be able to run the script just like we've been running other commands--by referencing the file directly. To understand why this doesn't work, we'll need to discuss a new aspect of Unix files--file "modes".

File Modes

Every file on the file system has a set of permissions associated with it. This meta-data describes whether the file can be read, written, and executed as a command. (This description simplifies the topic a bit; see Chapter 16 - Users and Groups for a more complete discussion.)

Because we created the script file ourselves, it has the necessary permissions to allow us to open it and to change it. By default, though, it does not include the "execute" permission. This is why when we attempt to invoke it as though it were a command, the shell reports an error.

Because executing a file can trigger any number of changes to the system, this "non-executable by default" behavior is a good safety mechanism. We definitely trust our own scripts, though, so we'll need to learn how to grant that permission.


Change file "mode"

vm$ man chmod
HMOD(1)                   User Commands                   CHMOD(1)

       chmod - change file mode bits

The difficult-to-pronounce chmod utility is the tool we need here. Short for "change mode," chmod will allow us to enable the "execute" permission for the scripts we write.

vm$ ./
bash: ./ Permission denied
vm$ chmod +x
vm$ ./

The +x option instructs chmod to grant "execute" permission to the specified file. +x is actually a short code describing the way we want to change all the file's permissions. For our purposes in this chapter, it's enough to know that + means "add permissions" and x means "the 'execute' permission, specifically."

For the rest of the course, we'll assume that any script we write has the "execute" permission.

The "Shebang"

vm$ cat


When we invoke our script, the program loader assumes that the script should be interpreted with our default shell (as mentioned earlier, this is Bash in this course's virtual environment). This is a valid assumption for the scripts we write ourselves and for the current system. However, another system may be configured to use a different shell by default. In that case, our script would be interpreted by that other shell, and there's no telling if it would work correctly there.

Because we may want to share our scripts with others (or re-use them in different environments), we can't take the shell for granted. Ideally, we want to author our scripts in a way that is "portable" between users and systems.

In order to ensure that the same shell is used across all environments, we specify the name of the shell at the top of the file. Note that this first line begins with a special character sequence: the "number" sign (#) followed by the exclamation point (!). This sequence is sometimes referred to as a "shebang."

With those details out of the way, we can get back to writing scripts.


vm$ cat
find documents -newermt 'last week' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/hot dog/banana/g'

Lets start by making a script for the complex command from the end of Chapter 12 - Process Combination.

This script is functional, but it's a little difficult to read. Other people might have a hard time deciphering what is going on, and we ourselves might struggle if we revisit the file in a few months from today.

It would be nicer if each command in the pipeline were on a separate line. This would prevent line wrapping, and would also help people see each processing "stage."

vm$ cat
find documents -type f -newermt 'last week' -print0 | \
  xargs -0 \
    sed -i 's/hot dog/banana/g'

Now we can more clearly see that this command is actually composed of three separate operations: find, xargs, and sed. Each command is indented to further highlight this "nested" relationship.

Notice how each line ends with a "backslash" character (\). This is critical because the shell would otherwise interpret the end of the line to mean the end of the command.

A common mistake is to accidentally include white space after the backslash. The purpose of the backslash is to "escape" the "newline" character that follows it, so such whitespace will cause the shell to once again mis-interpret our intentions. If possible, consider configuring your text editor to display invisible characters like "space," and "tab."

vm$ cat
find documents -type f -newermt 'last week' -print0 | \
  xargs --null \
    sed --in-place 's/hot dog/banana/g'

Chapter 6 - Command Invocation described how some programs define both a "short" version and a "long" version of the same option. Until now, we've tended to prefer the "short" version because we've been typing everything into the command line. Now that we are saving the commands to a file, it makes sense to use the "long" version; this makes the commands a little more descriptive.

vm$ cat

# Replace the words "hot dog" with the word "banana" in
# all documents modified during the past week.

find documents -type f -newermt 'last week' -print0 | \
  xargs --null \
    sed --in-place 's/hot dog/banana/g'

One more method to improve readability is documentation via comments.

The "number sign" (#) designates the beginning of a comment; the shell ignores any text that follows it. Comments can be used to describe the overall behavior of the script or any specific command.

Control Flow

Railroad switch

"Weekend work 2012-09-04 22" by Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Up until this point, we have been entering commands sequentially, interpreting standard output and standard error as we went. If some command failed, we would stop and modify our plan as necessary.

Shell scripts do not require step-by-step verification by default. They will execute each command in series, usually faster than we can perceive. This is largely the point, but it forces us to be explicit about how exceptional circumstances should be handled.

Boolean Control Operators

Logical "AND" via &&

vm$ ls
vm$ cd out && rm -r *
bash: cd: out: No such file or directory
vm$ ls

When commands are separated by two ampersand characters (as in &&), the shell will execute the first, but only execute the second if the return value of the first was 0. This is useful when commands are tightly coupled.

In this example, we want to delete * (the contents of the current directory) only if we have successfully moved into the out/ directory. Without this condition, if the cd command failed, we would mistakenly delete everything in the current directory.

When reading commands, this operator can be interpreted as the word "and," as in "change into the out directory and remove all the contents."

Boolean Control Operators

Logical "OR" via ||

vm$ grep trousers journal/*
vm$ echo $?
vm$ grep trousers journal/* || echo No mention of trousers >&2
No mention of trousers

The || operator allows for a command to be run only if the previous command returned a non-zero exit status.

In this example, the grep utility fails to locate a match, and it does not output any data on either standard output or standard error. In a script, we might want to give some feedback about this case. We're taking advantage of the fact that grep exits with a status code of 1 under these conditions.

When reading commands including this operator, the || can be interpreted as the word "or," as in, "Display all the occurrences of the word 'trousers,' or demonstrate our disappointment.'


Terminate the current process

vm$ cat

echo This command will always be executed.

exit 23

echo This command will never be executed.
vm$ ./
This command will always be executed.
vm$ echo $?

The exit command allows us to cancel the execution of the script before every command has been evaluated.

vm$ cat

mkdir out || exit 1

cp src/* out

echo The build process is now complete.
vm$ ./
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘out’: File exists
vm$ echo $?

We've already seen how an unexpected condition can cause our script to behave in undesirable ways. Although the && operator can help handle these cases, it is really only appropriate when we need to "skip" a single command.

For larger scripts, it would be better if we could "bail out"--stop all work immediately and return a non-zero status code.

This is where exit comes in to play. We can organize our script to call exit any time it encounters a exceptional condition, and we can be certain that no additional commands will be executed. On top of that, by observing the status code convention, any processes that invoked our script will be aware that something went wrong.

Writing complex branches with if

vm$ cat

if mkdir out
  cp src/* out
  echo The build process is now complete.
  echo Unable to run build process. >&2
  exit 1

Our error handling abilities are improving, but we're still limited to executing a single command when something goes wrong. At the very least, we should output a non-zero exit code and write a meaningful message to standard error.

We can use if to specify a list of commands to run based on some condition. It operates on process exit status, which may seem limiting at first glance. To see how this functionality actually enables expressive conditions, we'll have to learn about another utility.

Advanced conditions with test

vm$ whoami
vm$ test $(whoami) = root
vm$ echo $?
vm$ test $(whoami) = vagrant
vm$ echo $?

test is a program that interprets the options we provide as logical operations, and it exits with a status code that reflects the result of the operation.

vm$ test 3 -lt 4
vm$ echo $?
vm$ test 3 -lt 2
vm$ echo $?

test has support ranging from numeric comparisons (such as -lt for less than)...

vm$ test -f not-a-file
vm$ echo $?
vm$ test -f an-actual-file
vm$ echo $?
vm$ file inspection (such as -f for file).

We won't cover all the expressions that test supports--for that, please refer to the utility's man page.

vm$ cat

# Abort if an output directory already exists because
# mixing content with a previous build could produce
# unexpected results.
if test -d out
  echo Unable to run build process. >&2
  exit 1

mkdir out
cp src/* out
echo The build process is now complete.

The wide range of supported expressions make test a great companion to if.

Unfortunately, the operators are somewhat terse, and there are no corresponding "extended forms." It's always possible to reference the man page (or memorize their meaning), but using code comments is probably the best way to clarify the script's intent.

Alternate paths with if

vm$ cat

# Ensure that an empty output directory exists
if test -d out
  rm -r out/*
  mkdir out

cp src/* out
echo The build process is now complete.

In the case that our branch ends with the exit command, we don't need to worry about the "negative" condition. But in many cases, we'll want to specify some other commands to run if the test fails. A corresponding else branch allows us to do exactly that.

This is an example of how we can make our script more robust by responding gracefully to different conditions. If the out directory exists, we'll just make sure it is empty and continue on with the build process. We only need to create the directory if it doesn't already exist (in which case, we know it is empty).

Improving legibility with [

vm$ cat

# Ensure that an empty output directory exists
if [ -d out ]
  rm -r out/*
  mkdir out

cp src/* out
echo The build process is now complete.

We can express these same conditions using the "open bracket" character ([) and "close bracket" character (]).

This form is equivalent to the earlier version using test. It visually mimics the syntax for if statements in other languages, so some people prefer it for aesthetic reasons. This is a personal choice, though it's good to be aware of it because many examples on the web make use of it.

The truth behind [

vm$ which [
vm$ [ 45 -lt 23 ]
vm$ echo $?

Although [ looks like syntax for the if statement, it is actually just another utility. We can invoke it directly and even reference its entry in the man pages. It is basically an alias for the test command we used previously; it just requires that the last option is the "close bracket" character (]).

It's an odd name for a program, but recognizing this detail can make it easier to remember how it is used.

Variables: don't repeat yourself

vm$ cat


# Ensure that an empty output directory exists
if [ -d $out_dir ]
  rm -r $out_dir/*
  mkdir $out_dir

cp src/* $out_dir
echo The build process is now complete.

Minimizing duplication can make our scripts easier to maintain. This is one case where variables really shine.

The name of the output directory shows up on four separate lines in this example script. If we ever want to change that value, we'll have to be careful to replace all four instances.

By storing it in a variable, we're making future maintenance easier and less error-prone.

Special script variables

vm$ cat

echo The name of the script is $0
echo You passed $# options
echo The first option is $1
echo The fourth option is $4

Within shell scripts, we can reference a few variables that describe how the script was invoked:

By acting on these values, we can write scripts that are much more re-usable.

vm$ cat

if [ $# = 1 ]

# Ensure that an empty output directory exists
if [ -d $out_dir ]
  rm -r $out_dir/*
  mkdir $out_dir

cp src/* $out_dir
echo The build process is now complete.

Here, we're allowing the output directory to be specified as the first option. If the script is invoked without any options, we default to the value "out".

Note how much more difficult this would be if we hadn't introduced the out_dir variable. That refactoring is already paying off!

In Review


In all cases, scripts should be authored so that they can be executed as commands, regardless of the current user's default shell.

  1. Write a script that greets the current user by name. If it is invoked with --help, it should print an explanation to standard output and exit without greeting the user. If it is invoked with any other options, it should print an error message to standard error and exit with a status code of 1 (again, without greeting the user).

  2. Extend the script from the previous step to also accept the -h flag. Specifying this should have the same effect as --help.

  3. Write a script that copies itself into the user's "home" directory. The script should work regardless of where it is placed on the file system.

  4. Refer back to the exercise for Chapter 6 - Command Invocation. Write a script that automatically solves that exercise. Note that the solution for the final step of that exercise are dynamic; your script should take this into account. You'll probably need to use the grep utility, and the date utility (see man date for more information). Don't forget to reset the exercise with --reset!


For all of these scripts, don't forget to set their "execute" permissions with chmod and to include the "hashbang" sequence on the first line!

  1. We'll begin with the "normal" case: greeting the user. We've already used the whoami utility in other chapters; here, we'll use command substitution to echo the value it writes to standard output:

    echo Hello, $(whoami)!

    To handle the "help" options, we'll need an if condition that references the value of the $1 variable.

    if [ "$1" = "--help" ]
      echo "I would like to greet you."
    echo Hello, $(whoami)!

    Finally, we need to define what happens when any other option value is provided. We know that when no option value is provided, "$1" will be equal to the empty string (""), so we need to report an error whenever it is not equal to the empty string, taking care to redirect the output from echo as specified in the instructions.

    if [ "$1" = "--help" ]
      echo "I would like to greet you."
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
      echo "I don't recognize that option." >&2
      exit 1
    echo Hello, $(whoami)!

    Note that this condition has to come after the first. Otherwise, we would disable the --help flag.

  2. The most straightforward way to handle the -h option is to duplicate the if we wrote for --help:

    if [ "$1" = "--help" ]
      echo "I would like to greet you."
    if [ "$1" = "-h" ]
      echo "I would like to greet you."
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
      echo "I don't recognize that option." >&2
      exit 1
    echo Hello, $(whoami)!

    ...but this would be a hassle to maintain. We can do better, though, because we know about the || operator. (Remember: this allows for a second command to be run if the first one fails.)

    if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ]
      echo "I would like to greet you."
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
      echo "I don't recognize that option." >&2
      exit 1
    echo Hello, $(whoami)!
  3. We can write this script in one line, but we'll need to recall two special variables to do it. First: the user's "home" directory is stored in the environment variable $HOME. If we named our script, we could move it like so:

    cp $HOME

    ...but the instructions specify that the script should work regardless of what its name is. So we'll have to replace the "hard-coded" reference to with the special $0 variable that the shell provides:

    cp $0 $HOME
  4. The first three steps are relatively straightforward: if you remember how you first solved them, you can copy the commands directly into the script:

    invoker /bin/*t* /bin/*s
    invoker Making the big \$bucks.
    invoker -w -x
    invoker -wx
    invoker -x -w
    invoker -xw
    invoker -x --word
    invoker --word -x

    Addressing the dynamic part is more of a challenge. The exercise requires that we set DATE to the current day of the week. The date utility's man page includes instructions for that:

    FORMAT controls the output.  Interpreted sequences are:
    %%     a literal %
    %a     locale's abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Sun)
    %A     locale's full weekday name (e.g., Sunday)

    So we can use command substitution to store the value of date +%A) in a variable:

    DATE=$(date +%A) invoker

    This is only part of the solution for the final step, though. The exercise also requires that cat_or_dog is set correctly. There are no penalties for a wrong answer, so we could simply try both:

    DATE=$(date +%A) cat_or_dog=CAT invoker
    DATE=$(date +%A) cat_or_dog=DOG invoker

    But that is a little sloppy. We can do better! We'll need to search through the instructions that are written to standard output--a job for grep:

    invoker --help | grep 'x CAT'

    As we saw in this chapter, grep will exit with a non-zero status code if it cannot find a match. So we'll use the $? variable to determine if the instructions specified that the value should be "CAT".

    invoker --help | grep 'x CAT'
    if [ $? = 0 ]

    Finally, we can combine the variables in the invocation

    DATE=$(date +%A) cat_or_dog=cat_or_dog invoker